Thursday, August 7, 2008


So other then wedding stuff we have been pretty busy. Kev isn't working right now so he is trying to find a place to move to in Seattle. He is also taking a online class which isn't much work but it is still annoying to have to do. Steph has been studying for her NCLEX test which is the test she needs to take to be an official RN. It is a lot of work for her. She studies for about 4-6 hours a day to prepare. Her test is Aug 25th hopefully it goes well. During her studies she always informs me about everything she has diagnosed her self with. Yesterday she had about 8 different types of cancer and I have laennec's cirrhosis from drinking too much.

Looking for a place in Seattle has been frustrating to say the least. We are trying to find a place that isn't a 500 unit apartment complex so the best place to look is craigslist. But while you are looking you hit refresh and about 30 new listings pop up every 20 minutes, its madness. And then when you find a place that sounds good you email about it and get no reply. So if anyone knows a place in Seattle to rent near the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital, which is where steph got a job, let us know.....SOON!!

OK well back to work I suppose.


Kev and Steph

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